Our Blog
Posted On: July 21, 2015
Currently there are some great incentives available for insulating your home. With the PowerSaver Lender Program at the UVA Community Credit Union, reducing your energy bills and becoming more eco-friendly just got easier! They offer low rates and easy financing solutions to help pay for energy efficiency improvements or renewable energy systems to your home,…
Posted On: July 9, 2015
The only reason to build a home with a dirt crawl space is to save money. A dirt crawl space is cheaper than a concrete floor. However, a house with a dirt crawl space is dysfunctional. We would never create a basement with a dirt floor – so why do we have dirt floor crawl…
Posted On: June 10, 2015
Does Your Home Need Commercial Grade Dehumidification? Virginia is classified as and well known as a mixed-humid climate, meaning that we receive more than 20 inches of annual precipitation, have approximately 5,400 heating degree days* or less, and the monthly outdoor temperature drops below 45°F in the winter. Most experts, like the American Medical Association,…
Posted On: May 27, 2015
It’s Heating Up Outside. Is Your Air Conditioner Going to Survive the Summer? If your air conditioning (AC) equipment requires frequent repairs, is more than 10 years old, or you’ve noticed that your electric bills have gone up in recent years during the summer, it is time to consider replacing your AC equipment. Being proactive…
Posted On: May 4, 2015
Other than burning down, probably the worst thing that can happen to a residential structure is a foundation problem. The foundation is literally what the house is built on, what keeps the building where it was built, transferring the dead loads and the live loads into the ground. The source of the vast majority of…
Posted On: April 23, 2015
Our friends at the Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance recently published the following article regarding a growing trend in the real estate market: buyers are willing to pay a premium for homes that are more energy efficient. We’ve posted the article below. Keep in mind that insulation and air sealing are proven to be the most…