Do you need to insulate the walls of a home cellulose? If you’re in Charlottesville or the surrounding area, Weatherseal Insulation is a good name to know.
If you need to install cellulose insulation, contact us online or call (434) 974-1818 today—or keep reading to learn about spray cellulose insulation!
How Does Cellulose Insulation Work?
Cellulose insulation is sprayed or blown into walls and conforms to your home and surrounds your family with a seamless insulation system. Wet spray, or spray-applied, cellulose is used for new construction wall insulation projects. This type of insulation creates an effective seal of the insulated cavity for protection against air infiltration. It can be installed in new homes, residential multi-family or apartment building and commercial buildings.
Cellulose wall spray insulation can help:
- Maximize the energy efficiency of homes and buildings and reduce energy costs
- Make homes and buildings more comfortable all year long
- Improve the performance of air conditioners and furnaces
- Reduce noises from outside and inside, between different rooms and levels
- Contribute to a healthier environment